Surprise Medical Bills When you get emergency care or get CERTAIN SERVICES AT AN treated by an out-of-network provider IN-NETWORK HOSPITAL OR at an in-network hospital or ambula- AMBULATORY SURGICAL CENTER tory surgical center, you are protected FUND from surprise billing or balance billing. When you get services from an in-net- FUND work hospital or ambulatory surgical FACT You are protected from balance bill- center, certain providers there may FACT ing for: be out-of-network. In these cases, the The PrudentRx EMERGENCY SERVICES most those providers may bill you is specialty medication your plan’s in-network cost-sharing program has If you have an emergency medical amount. This applies to emergen- condition and get emergency services cy medicine, anesthesia, pathology, saved participants from an out-of-network provider or fa- radiology, laboratory, neonatology, over $24,000 in cility, the most the provider or facility assistant surgeon, hos- co-pays and saved may bill you is your plan’s in-network pitalist, or intensivist ser- the Fund about a costsharing amount (such as copay- vices. These providers ments and coinsurance). You can’t be can’t balance bill you and half million dollars balance billed for these emergency may not ask you to give up LEARN in 2022! services. your protections not to be MORE balance billed. Visit For Health Services & Savings If you’ve logged in to diet and nutrition programs, alter- home page, simply click on the “Well- lately, you know it’s a fast and easy way native health providers and more. ness” tab to open up a wide range of to find in-network health care providers, RESOURCES LEARN MORE options that will help you know more, learn about your coverage or check on spend less and live healthier. claims. But did you know that myCigna. • Health Encyclopedia com and the myCigna® App can also • Health Topics and Resources * Some Healthy Rewards programs are not avail- connect you with support tools and • Health Information Line (HIL) able in all states and programs may be discon- services that can help you get healthi- tinued at any time. If your plan includes cover- er and save money? And, what’s more, • WebMD Health Manager age for any of these services, this program is in they’re available whenever you need addition to, not instead of, your plan coverage. them and at no additional cost to you. And finally, keep in mind myCigna is al- A discount program is NOT insurance, and you Here are just a few. ways there for finding local in-network must pay the entire discounted charge. TOOLS LEARN MORE care, provider quality information, and estimates for what your health care will • My Health Assessment cost you. They can be easily searched HOW HEALTHY ARE YOU? • Apps & Activities under “My Care and Costs” on the Complete an easy online • Personal Health Record myCigna home page. health assessment and earn • My Health Assistant To learn more about the many a $50 gift card from Cigna. myCigna programs and resources avail- REWARDS AND PROGRAMS able to you, ask your Cigna coach, or GET STARTED • Healthy Rewards® Program:* visit or the myCigna App Find discounts for fitness centers, to check them out. On the top of the 6

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