IAM GRAND LODGE CONVENTION IN REVIEW October 2-7, 2022, the IAM National Benefit Funds Office participated in the 40th IAM Grand Lodge Conven- tion in Las Vegas, NV. Under the theme “IAM Standing Strong,” the Convention was the first major in-person meeting held by the IAM Grand Lodge since the pandemic. In one of the largest booths 1 at the Convention, the Benefit Funds Office offered Fund education on floor- to-ceiling digital monitors while IAM members played Vegas-style games or took advantage of complimentary wellness massages. Our Education representatives met one-on-one with participants to answer questions about the benefits offered by each of the Funds and connected with the people we serve everyday. If you missed us in Vegas, be sure to catch the Benefit Funds Office booth at the 41st IAM CLICK HERE TO WATCH BOOTH VIDEO 2 Grand Lodge Convention in New York City in 2024! 3 4 5 6 Photos Left to Right: 1) The IAM Executive Council including IAM National Benefit Funds Office (IAMBFO) Union Trustees Dora Cervantes, Rickey Wallace, Steve Galloway and Brian Bryant posing on the Convention stage. 2) Entrance into the IAMBFO booth. 3) IAM Delegate playing Plinko game for special IAMBFO prize or grand prize entry. 4) Education team members, Elo Rosales and Cori Horowitz, speaking to IAM members. 5) IAMBFO Executive Leadership and Education Team left to right: Ned Johnson (Manager), Wendy Frye (Chief of Staff), Fred Ross, Sunni Isaac, Parris Celestine, Ryk Tierney (Executive Director), Elo Rosales, Cori Horowitz, Brittany Plummer and Damien Anderson. 6) IAM Delegate sporting his healthy prize from participating in the Plinko game. 3