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Hourly Daily contribution Monthly normal Hourly Daily contribution Monthly normal contribution rate (not including pension benefit for contribution rate (not including pension benefit for rate contributions each year of future rate contributions each year of future required by the RP) service credit required by the RP) service credit 17.60 140.80 470.69 19.35 154.80 511.43 17.65 141.20 471.85 19.40 155.20 512.59 17.70 141.60 473.02 19.45 155.60 513.76 17.75 142.00 474.18 19.50 156.00 514.92 17.80 142.40 475.34 19.55 156.40 516.08 17.85 142.80 476.51 19.60 156.80 517.25 17.90 143.20 477.67 19.65 157.20 518.41 17.95 143.60 478.84 19.70 157.60 519.58 18.00 144.00 480.00 19.75 158.00 520.74 18.05 144.40 481.16 19.80 158.40 521.90 18.10 144.80 482.33 19.85 158.80 523.07 18.15 145.20 483.49 19.90 159.20 524.23 18.20 145.60 484.66 19.95 159.60 525.40 18.25 146.00 485.82 20.00 160.00 526.56 18.30 146.40 486.98 20.05 160.40 527.72 18.35 146.80 488.15 20.10 160.80 528.89 18.40 147.20 489.31 20.15 161.20 530.05 18.45 147.60 490.48 20.20 161.60 531.22 18.50 148.00 491.64 20.25 162.00 532.38 18.55 148.40 492.80 20.30 162.40 533.54 18.60 148.80 493.97 20.35 162.80 534.71 18.65 149.20 495.13 20.40 163.20 535.87 18.70 149.60 496.30 20.45 163.60 537.04 18.75 150.00 497.46 20.50 164.00 538.20 18.80 150.40 498.62 20.55 164.40 539.36 18.85 150.80 499.79 20.60 164.80 540.53 18.90 151.20 500.95 20.65 165.20 541.69 18.95 151.60 502.12 20.70 165.60 542.86 19.00 152.00 503.28 20.75 166.00 544.02 19.05 152.40 504.44 20.80 166.40 545.18 19.10 152.80 505.61 20.85 166.80 546.35 19.15 153.20 506.77 20.90 167.20 547.51 19.20 153.60 507.94 20.95 167.60 548.68 19.25 154.00 509.10 21.00 168.00 549.84 19.30 154.40 510.26 21.05 168.40 551.00 SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION 2023 // 39

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