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› You have at least five years of credited service, including at By January 1, 2014, Schedule A was completely phased out for fu- least (i) 1,200 hours of service or (ii) 600 hours of service ture accruals and was replaced by Schedule B. Schedule B applies in any plan year 1999 or later. to affected participants starting the first of the month following rat- See pages 7 and 8 for definitions of hours of service and credited ification of any applicable collective bargaining agreement replac- service. ing the agreement in effect on January 1, 2011 (“Next Collective Bargaining Agreement”); provided however, if the Next Collective If you do not have an hour of service on or after January 1, 1991, Bargaining Agreement was ratified before January 1, 2011, Sched- see your prior plan SPD. ule A is replaced by Schedule B as of the first of the month follow- ing ratification of the Next Collective Bargaining Agreement. The You are also eligible for a normal pension, regardless of your years latest date that Schedule B took effect was January 1, 2014. This of credited service, if you reach normal retirement age before you change does not affect the accrued benefit already earned prior to have a permanent break in service. Normal retirement age is either the change to Schedule B. age 65 or the fifth anniversary of your commencement of partici- Future Service Benefits for employees of United Airlines are deter- pation in the Fund, whichever comes later. mined as follows: Amount of Your Normal Pension The amount of your benefit is determined by calculating your past March 1, 2006 — 85% of the Schedule B benefit values service benefit, if any, and your future service benefit and adding March 31, 2014 them together. Past Service Benefit April 1, 2014 100% of the Schedule B benefit values If your group joined the Fund before April 1, 2003, you may be el- and after igible for past service credit. Past service credit was eliminated for Benefit values for years of future service credit earned before 1991 employees of employers joining the Fund on or after April 1, 2003. are determined according to the rules of your prior plan. See your Your past service benefit is based on your years of past service prior plan SPD for more information. However, adjustments will be credit, if any. See page 9 for a definition of past service credit. It is made to the future service benefit values in your prior plan SPD, as calculated by multiplying your years of past service credit by the described here: past service benefit value which applies to your employer’s initial › If you had 600 hours of service in 1993 or later, the amount contribution rate as shown in Table Eleven on page 59. determined under your prior plan will be increased by 5%. If your employer first began contributing on your behalf before › If you had 600 hours of service in 1996 or later, the amount January 1, 1991, your past service benefit will be determined un- determined under your prior plan will be increased by the der your prior plan. See your prior plan SPD for more information. 5% described above and then by an additional 10%. › If you had 600 hours of service in 1997 or later, the Future Service Benefit amount determined under your prior plan will be in- Unless you are covered by the Default Schedule, future service creased incrementally by 5% and 10% as described above, benefits are based on your years of future service credit and the and then by an additional 10%. negotiated contribution rate for each of those years. See page 8 for › If you had 600 hours of service in 1998 or later, the a definition of future service credit. amount determined under your prior plan will be If your group first joined the Fund on or after April 1, 2003, Sched- increased incrementally by 5%, 10% and another 10% as ule B (Table One on page 33) sets forth your benefit schedule. This described above, and then by an additional 5%. schedule is also effective for all participants regardless of initial These increases in future service benefits do not apply to prior plan contribution date no later than January 1, 2014. CMTA determinations. If your group first joined the Fund before April 1, 2003, Schedule If you move from one contributing employer to another, your ben- A (Tables Two through Six on pages 44 through 56) applies to your efits for periods of future service credit earned with each employer future service benefit until the date Schedule A is phased out for will be valued at the schedule applicable to the particular employer. your group. The correct table for you to use is dictated by two fac- If there is more than one Benefit Schedule or contribution rate tors: the latest calendar year for which you have at least 600 hours applicable to a plan year the rates will be prorated to provide the of service, and your pension effective date. highest possible benefit for that year. SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION 2023 // 11

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