Attila Kis: I like Europe to be diverse, to contain diversity. And here in the group we were diverse. Andrea László: We come from different countries, each of us bringing with us a piece of our culture, our customs, our way of life. Ádám Móser: Musicians from different countries and musical cultures form a musical community, their tastes, styles and customs are present together, complementing each other, while remaining recognizable. Christian Sebille: This type of project could be extended to involve other conservatoires and music schools. The relevance developed brings together musicians from very different musical backgrounds and life paths, with undeniably high artistic standards. The result is surprising and undeniable. Baltazar Montanaro: A European orchestra, because it brings together personalities, each of whom brings diversity and cultural complexity, due to the migrations and border changes that have been commonplace in Europe for centuries, and who contribute to the beauty of the cultures that make it up. 140

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