But what do you do if you’ve travelled far into the mountains with the whole crew, only to find that the weather isn’t favourable? What do you do if you want the shot to look like Image A but the weather turns out to be more like Image B? A B Director Orsolya Orbán and DOP Balázs Rokaly chose to work with the weather conditions they had and opted to darken the sky during digital post-production. The director, Orsolya Orbán, painted clouds, which were then incorporated into the scene by Alex Böjthe, who handled all aspects of digital post-production, including colour correction and visual effects. Although Alex could have used real clouds, the team agreed that the painted versions better matched the aesthetic of early silent films. In another shot, they even added a painted moon for consistency with this artistic style. 66

Lost Analogue: Exploring Film, Music, and Interdisciplinary Methods in Education - Page 67 Lost Analogue: Exploring Film, Music, and Interdisciplinary Methods in Education Page 66 Page 68