8. European Orchestra Composed of twelve musicians at the end of all the experiments, but having seen many participants pass through for trials, this ensemble can perhaps be described as a ‘European Open Music Orchestra’. First of all, the musicians live in three EU countries. Secondly, most of them have backgrounds that have brought them into contact with inspirations from many European countries. From left to right: Zsófia Makkai (post production supervisor and director of the last chapter of the film), Miquèu Montanaro, Nóra Krokovay, Renáta Gyárfás, Sára Domahidi, Attila Kis, Kamilla Kasabian, Lilla Unger, Andrea László, Christian Sebille, Baltazar Montanaro, Ádám Móser, and in the front Róbert Lakatos creative producer. Photo by Mira Mărincaș 137
Lost Analogue: Exploring Film, Music, and Interdisciplinary Methods in Education Page 137 Page 139