Additionally, we encouraged another collaborator, the Argo Audiovisual Association, to work with Igor Buharov and his company in Berlin on an educational project titled Reinventing Analogue in the Digital Era. Our association will not participate in this project as an official partner, but our members will be involved as tutors, participants, and workshop collaborators. This project will focus on shooting primarily with Double Super 8 black-and-white FOMA film (and Kodak Super 8, if it becomes available again), using alternative development methods such as caffenol, tomato, beetroot, and similar natural, sustainable materials. The project will culminate in the creation of an educational handbook, much like this one. Given the uncertainty of achieving usable images 73

Lost Analogue: Exploring Film, Music, and Interdisciplinary Methods in Education - Page 74 Lost Analogue: Exploring Film, Music, and Interdisciplinary Methods in Education Page 73 Page 75