20 Reflective Evaluation Study Lost Analogue project Figure 5 Novelty of using analogue film technique by filmmaker participants Source: LOST ANALOGUE project , project evaluation survey, 2024 Participants generally found working with analogue film technology a rewarding experience, with varying benefits across production, theory, aesthetics, and technical skills (see Figure 6 below). Most found the hands - on production process rewarding, reflecting a high appreciation for the tactile engagement that analogue film offers. However, a few participants may have found challenges in managing the logistical or operational demands of analogue t echnology, suggesting areas where additional support or guida nce might improve the experience. Analogue film was also valued for its theoretical learning potential. Many participants recognised it as a powerful tool for understanding cinematic history and deepening their grasp of fundamental film principles. The aes thetic qualities of analogue film were overwhelmingly well - received, with participants consistently valuing the mediums unique visual appeal. From a technical standpoint, responses were equally enthusiastic, with most participants indicating the significant skill - building opportunities that analogue technology provided. This suggests that analogue methods not only engage filmmakers artistically but also strengthen their technical capabilities in ways that contribute to a well - rounded professional skill set 11 8 4 2 2 It was completely new It was very new It was moderately new It was new to a small extent It was not new at all
Celluloid Connections: Cultivating creative skills through analogue film and musical collaboration Page 20 Page 22