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“When I’m in the kitchen, I can really zone out and just focus on the food, get busy and messy and as a result, eat something delicious!” How did the journey come about to starting your blog? I started my blog toward the end of high school to document the food I was creating and share it with the world. That was when I started to experiment with my diet more and I found a great online community whose passions aligned with mine. Initially, all I posted was pictures of my breakfast because that was all I had time for! Lilseats has defi nitely come a long way since posts of porridge and yoghurt. What’s the best part about creating di昀昀 erent dishes? I love the creative process of developing a recipe. When I’m in the kitchen, I can really zone out and just focus on the food, get busy and messy and as a result, eat something delicious! That’s probably the best part - eating and sharing with friends and family. Where do you go for inspiration? I follow a lot of creative and amazing cooks, bloggers and chefs on Instagram and I’m forever scrolling - so I get a lot of in- spiration from there. Often, I try something when I’m out and I just want to go home to see if I can re-create it myself. I really enjoy eating out and trying things that I wouldn’t normally make myself to spark inspiration. What do you love most about what you do? Sharing the food I make with friends and family. Especially baked goods. Often, the things I make are better fresh out of the oven - like buns or cookies. I’ll pull them out of the oven, then run around our neighbourhood delivering to friends that live nearby. What are you loving at the moment? Am I allowed to say my own recipe? Because I am totally obsessed with the Chocolate Raspberry Slice - it is SO addictive! Other than that, my favourite Melbourne bakery (Baker Bleu) makes these dark chocolate and cherry sourdough buns which are heaven on earth. 9

Minimax Issue Two - Page 9 Minimax Issue Two Page 8 Page 10