Going further BREAKDOWN OF EMPLOYEES Breakdown by business % % % 81.4 16.1 2.5 work for processing work for agricultural work for support businesses businesses functions Breakdown by gender 65% 35% of men of women Breakdown by age Breakdown by region Under 25 Champagne- years old: Ardenne: Grand Est region Over 55 6.6% 25.4% (including years old: Oceania: 1% Champagne-Ardenne): 19.1% 25.7% 25-34 years old: 22.1% Asia: 11.4% % The Americas: % 3.1% 45-54 years old: Europe France (including 25.2% 35-44 (including France): Grand Est region): years old: 84.5% 60.5% 27.1% CONSOLIDATED REPORT 2023-2024 71

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