... SIA 2024 N o une édition sous le signe de TRANSITIONS, riche en événements, S en échanges et en récompenses ! U 26 FEBrUARY C O F TRANSITIONS DAY 1 MARCh 11:30 AM VIVESCIA RECEIVES Launch of the research chair “Resilient farms that AN AWARD FROM benefit the climate and biodiversity” in partnership with UniLaSalle Polytechnic BANQUES ALIMENTAIRES (See TRANSITIONS insert). VIVESCIA’s chain of human solidarity in action for the second edition of its wheat donation drive. 2 MARCh Francine and VIVESCIA’s cooperative farmers are the stars of the Intercéréales booth, helping the general public learn more about the wheat value chain. 12:30 PM Roundtable on TRANSITIONS: “A win-win collaboration between upstream and downstream partners to develop a model for regenerative agriculture that fights climate change and promotes soil health and biodiversity.” An engaging discussion in front of an audience of journalist and aLL WEEK stakeholders. 2 PM Grands Moulins de Paris’s TRANSITIONS, Brotherhood of Bakers winner of France 2030. Members of Grands Moulins de Paris’s Brotherhood of Bakers appeared alongside the CNBPF (French 4 PM confederation for the bakery and patisserie industry) to organise demonstrations highlighting artisan bakers’ know-how to the general public. VIVESCIA takes part in INRAE’s conference: “Transitioning regional agricultural and food processing systems.” TO FIND OUT MORE, GO TO LINKEDIN 46

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