VIVESCIA, THE FLAGSHIP OF TOMORROW'S aGRICULTURE... We have considerable challenges ahead of us: feeding people and protecting the planet, decarbonisation, defending the competitiveness of our agriculture and industry, restoring food sovereignty… Because the Earth We aim to leverage every available tool is a living system, we favour an innovative, systemic to address these major challenges while approach to make our models increasingly resilient also providing solutions to everyday and sustainable. We are leveraging all VIVESCIA’s issues, such as weed control, agronomic expertise and know-how. The aim is to move for example. forward with and for our regional farmers by mobilising all our stakeholders to boost the competitiveness of SAVINE OUSTRAIN agriculture. VIVESCIA Cooperative’s Director of Research, Innovation and Agronomy 500 SECURING YIELDS THROUGH varieties tested every year by the EXPERIMENTATION AND VARIETAL Cooperative on INNOVATION 15,000 ha The search for new varieties is one of the ways of achieving more resilient, sustainable agriculture. As the leading French producer of certified small grain seeds, VIVESCIA’s expertise in seed multiplication is well known. We work in close collaboration with 230 upstream breeders and originators to direct research trials on a programmes towards adapting varieties to different variety of soil types and climates based on our customers’ themes expectations and in response to increasingly frequent climate events. This means cooperative farmers can quickly enjoy the benefits of genetic innovations, which also benefits our food processing businesses. Our seed multiplication contracts are also a source of 10,500 added value for our network, with 550 cooperative mini test farmers who work as multipliers. fields 20

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