Agricultural entrepreneurs who 23 are more SOCIaLLY COMmItTeD cooperative farmers aNd RESPoNSIBLE than ever Cooperative farmers are central to our governance structure. A guarantee of the stability of our cooperative group, our governance structure is solid, active and % continuously improving to support the Group’s growth and change. 93 attendance TWO MAIN GOVERNANCE BODIES, rate of FULLY COMMITTED TO FINANCIAL administrators AND NON-FINANCIAL CHALLENGES. for the 13 board meetings THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATORS, made up of 23 administrators and chaired by Christoph Büren, represents VIVESCIA Cooperative’s member-farmers. It sets the Group’s objectives and strategy and monitors their realisation. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, made up of 320 11 directors, is responsible for the Group’s overall elected farmers performance and financial results. It works closely with (section councillors) the Board of Administrators and implements a strategy in 18 sections designed to achieve the objectives set by the board. Last The Board of Administrators in Somme-Vesle in June 2024. June, a change brought to our operational management Top row, from left to right: structure was agreed with the recruitment of a Group Antoine Oudet, Eric Charle, Jacky Goubault, Christoph Büren, managing director, who will be in charge of overseeing Nicolas Perardel, Jean-Marc Longuet, Louis Jaillant, Marie Gailliot, Mickaël Portevin, Nicolas Demoury, Laurent Berthe. the activities of the Cooperative, VIVESCIA Industries, Bottom row, from left to right: and VIVESCIA Services (the Group’s support functions). Thierry Nice, Alain Deketele, Alban Collard, Damien The managing director of agricultural businesses (Cedric Fosseprez, Jean-Philippe Mignot, Sylvain Hinschberger, Cogniez, who arrived on 3 June 2024) and the managing 67 Aurélien Boyau, Eric Courageot, Alain Boynard. directors of the Group’s food processing businesses, as Absent: well as the directors of its support functions, will report meetings with Stéphane Borderieux, Emmanuel Vieillart and Emmanuel to him. the Cooperative and Joannot. VIVESCIA Industries’ Executive teams VIVESCIA’S MANAGEMENT BODIES VIVESCIA COOPERATIVE VIVESCIA INDUSTRIES % Board of Administrators 84 VIVESCIA’S MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE SICOM, the general partner compliance with the Section councils and Supervisory board recommendations territorial councils GROUP EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of the HCCA’s* governance guide for cooperatives. SPECIALISED COMMITTEES *Haut Conseil de la Coopération Audit committee Remuneration committee Financial engagement committee Agricole: CSR committee Ethics committee the Authority for Agricultural Cooperation 10