VIVESCIA GROUP'S CONSoLIDatED RESULtS AT 30 JUNE 2024 espite the considerable uncertainty VIVESCIA Industries, for its part, delivered strong across its markets throughout the EBITDA (up 24%) for the 2023-2024 financial year. This was achieved not only by harnessing the 2023-2024 financial year, VIVESCIA Group managed to generate record contributions its six grain-processing business, but also by implementing action plans that EBITDA, underpinned by the results posted by its industrial and food improve operational efficiency, plus proactively innovating and going after new business. Despite processing division VIVESCIA sluggish global consumption across all its markets, DIndustries. The Group reinforced its sustainable development policy in addition to extremely volatile raw material and input prices, the teams at VIVESCIA Industries LINK with the launch of TRANSITIONS, a managed to overcome these obstacles while also regenerative agriculture programme (soil, carbon ramping up sustainability and decarbonisation and biodiversity), and by increasing investments initiatives. In total VIVESCIA Group’s consolidated related to its climate strategy. The Cooperative and its agricultural subsidiaries had a satisfactory turnover totalled €4.15 billion, down 9.5% compared with the 2022-2023 financial year. financial year with strong momentum in their EBITDA reached an all-time high of €224.4 million, trading and viticulture businesses. The 2023 a year-on-year increase of 15%. The working harvest benefited from satisfactory weather capital requirements improved, mainly as a result conditions. The harvest saw a modest 2% uptick, of lower agricultural commodity prices combined while input sales rose by 6% thanks to an increase with a reduction in stock levels. The Group’s net in market share. The Cooperative continued to debt stood at €542.1 million, down €54 million on roll out its Ma Coop 2025 strategic plan covering the previous financial year. The VIVESCIA Group specific supply agreements and Club Francine, as well as maintaining the support it provides to its set aside €116 million for investment over the members around carbon and biodiversity issues. period. 56