FOR PROACTIVE, REGENERATIVE, PRODUCTIVE AND SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE 3 AREAS OF PERFORMANCE AND PROGRESS, 4 INDICATORS LOW CARBON 1 1 Reduction of GHG emissions Teq C0 2 SOIL HEALTH 2AND RESILIENCE Duration of soil coverage VIVESCIA territories Humified carbon in the north-east of France returned to the soil 420 BIODIVERSITY cooperative farmers 3Environmental committed for 3 years certification: (between 2023 and 2024) 2 CE2, CE2+ and HVE TARGET FOR 2026 1. Greenhouse gases. 2. Environmental certification level II, High Environmental Value. 1,000 " TRANSITIONS is the optimistic and positive vision of a collective that believes in proactive, sustainable, high-performance agriculture! And this year, TRANSITIONS turned its vision into action! TRANSITIONS is innovating and making progress thanks to the wonderful energy of all its customers and partners, the 420 farmers involved, and VIVESCIA’s teams. CHRISTOPH BÜREN "President of VIVESCIA Group

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