Going further REGULATORY ISSUES • The implementation of strict quality specifications to ensure Any regulatory issues not discussed in the 2023-2024 sustainable development report are addressed here. that grain performs optimally during processing stages, in particular for maize at Kalizea. Working on our product Greenhouse gas emissions formulations to make the most efficient use of raw materials, in accordance with customer requirements, in particular at The transport part of scopes 1, 2 and 3 is based on data from Nealia. 2022-2023 representing 532.5 kTCO2e, most of which comes from road transportation, then rivers and canals, as well as rail • Délifrance’s warehouses have established a partnership transportation. with Les Restos du Cœur and the Secours Populaire. When products’ ship-by dates have passed but their use-by dates Animal welfare are still several weeks away, Délifrance distributes them to Our businesses are not directly exposed to the issue of animal charities. Through these actions, Délifrance demonstrates welfare. However, Délifrance intends to purchase 100% that it is acutely aware of the food waste issue. cage-free eggs by the end of 2025. Currently, approximately 100% of Délifrance products made in Europe, and 30% of Promotion of physical activity and sport third-party products, are made with cage-free eggs. This policy Our business activities are not directly exposed to the issue is currently being rolled out to other sites outside of Europe. of the promotion of physical activities and sport within the GMP, which aims to source 100% cage-free eggs by the end company. of 2025, is currently on course to achieve this for these raw materials and Les Recettes de mon Moulin, and is at 90% on Connection between the corporate world and the military frozen products. VIVESCIA Group has not currently implemented any specific actions to promote connections between the corporate world The fight against food waste and the military and thereby to encourage its employees to join the military reserve. For VIVESCIA Group, the main action we take to combat food waste is to minimise waste during storage and processing. Here are some examples of the best practices our Group has Collective bargaining agreements developed: The Group’s HR directors regularly meet with career, training, • Improving production efficiency, which is a continuous compensation and benefits experts in order to work on an process. annual roadmap aiming to harmonise HR tools, practices and • GMP recycles downgraded products internally (so long as this policies for all its subsidiaries. Many collective agreements have does not affect product quality) and manages the quantities been put in place regarding remote work, quality of life at work of gluten incorporated according to flour protein content. and strategic workforce planning with union representatives. • The selection of barley varieties with optimum germination The most recent agreements signed concern profit-sharing rates by Malteurop. The company has R&D teams working on policies, which are all structured in the same way with the same selecting the best barley varieties for malting. rules. CONSOLIDATED REPORT 2023-2024 73

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