A COOPeRATIVE and eNTrepRenEUrIAL business model Our business model has been based on the same entrepreneurial principle THE VALUES for the last 100 years: to join forces THAT UNITE US and pool our strengths to build a sustainable farming business model that benefits our member-farmers. Continually strengthening ties between WORK BE upstream farming activities and TOGETHER GENUINE downstream industry with its food processing businesses, the Cooperative has operations all along the grain value The pleasure of sharing our The choice to be yourself; chain and connects the farmers who ideas and finding effective to be honest and fair in your grow the grain to the customers that solutions together, to achieve relationships with others. process it. our objectives and meet the It is also about challenging challenges of the future. your beliefs and showing respect for other people and OUR PURPOSE IS cultures, as well as the rules and the environment. Creating value for IMMUTABLE: its cooperative members and helping them to make a sustainable living DARE TO BE WORK FOR THE from their profession of agricultural entrepreneur thanks to the strength ENTREPRENEURIAL LONG-TERM of VIVESCIA’s business model. OUR PURPOSE BRINGS TOGETHER FARMERS The desire to act boldly and The desire to anticipate, to act, AND INDUSTRY decisively to build for the future, and to impart a long-term vision, to surpass yourself, create and with patience and determination. A VIVESCIA community committed to taking care of the earth and the innovate by taking measured risks. grain, from field to fork, to nourish people, and constantly adapt to their changing needs and expectations. VIVESCIA IS PRESENT ALONG THE ENTIRE VALUE CHAIN, ADDING VALUE TO GRAIN, FROM FIELD TO FORK, IN FRANCE AROUND THE WORLD 58

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