SHAREHOLDERS’ NEWSLETTER VIVESCIA INDUSTRIES 2022-2023 3 questions to Nicolas Demoury Chairman of the Supervisory Board This year once again, VIVESCIA Industries proved its resilience while pursuing its objectives to face tomorrow’s challenges. How do you feel about 2022-2023? de Paris, Délifrance, ARD and NEALIA Satis昀椀ed and con昀椀dent. Despite the for example. We are con昀椀dent that chaotic geo-political and economic they will deliver additional returns in situation, VIVESCIA Industries’ the years to come. Last but certainly results were better than the previous not least, our LINK policy underpins year. Thanks to effective management and runs through everything we control and the engagement of all do. All the challenges we face have our teams, we have coped admirably been tackled very thoroughly and with the twin obstacles of in昀氀ation methodically. on energy prices and raw materials. To sum up, I would say that the Many projects have been completed, manufacturing, 昀椀nancial and at Malteurop, Grands Moulins commercial consolidation we have REFERENCE SHARE PRICE 40 €37,95 €36,80 €33,70 €32,29 €30,40 €26,95 30 €27,55 €25,02 €24,86 €25,90 €24,43 €24,10 €24,50 €25,45 €23,12 €22,99 €22,21 €23,75 €23,24 €23,74 €24,05 €22,00 €22,05 €22,18 €21,21 €17,15 20 €16,70 10 0 April Oct. April Oct. April Oct. April Oct. April Oct. April Oct. April Oct. April Oct. April Oct. April Oct. Oct. April Oct. May Oct. April Oct. 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 2014 2014 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 06 07

Shareholders' Newsletter - VIVESCIA Industries - 2022-2023 - Page 8 Shareholders' Newsletter - VIVESCIA Industries - 2022-2023 Page 7 Page 9