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WHAT CONNECTS US Anne-Vanessa – I’m Director of SCAN THE QR CODE Innovation, and for the past few months TO FIND OUT MORE I’ve also been responsible for CSR. L’avenir se construit The two are very closely linked! On en filières Analyse - questionnement - reportage terrain the innovation side, my team and I are developing novel 昀氀ours and baking mixes that are easy to use and environmentally friendly. I’m seeing growing demand from our customers for this type of high-quality product, which are both environmentally and socially responsible. long terms. That’s crucial for these supply chains, because they revolve around very In my CSR role, I coordinate the formulation, rollout, implementation and speci昀椀c crop management systems that continuous improvement of our LINK by need to be planned ahead. GMP programme. Éléonore – One of the strategic pillars of So there’s a new emphasis on our corporate plan, Ma Coop 2025, is “working together”? to strengthen ties with our colleagues in VIVESCIA Industries’ processing Éléonore – We work in synergy! Our businesses. This will help us move counterparts at Grands Moulins de forward together, which is a win-win Paris help us to understand the needs situation for all our stakeholders. of customers and how we can meet the expectations of society more widely – Anne-Vanessa – It’s a huge advantage to over the short, medium and long term. know we’re working together towards This helps us plan ahead and keep shared objectives. What’s more, being innovating with our agricultural products. part of the same Group guarantees Basically, it means we have a head start regular, 昀氀uid communication with all over our competitors! the relevant people – both coordinators and specialists – so developing projects Anne-Vanessa – And our colleagues at the together becomes a swift and optimised Cooperative give us an insight into the process. I would add that when it’s an constraints farmers are operating under, internal value chain created by VIVESCIA and the advantages they offer in being Group, you get an even stronger sense able to produce grain that meets our of contributing to making a more sustainable world! Can you tell us exactly what your speci昀椀cations – and those of our clients – roles entail? in terms of volume and quality. Éléonore – I’m in charge of leading the Éléonore – It›s also a way for member- rollout of agricultural speci昀椀cations farmers to generate additional revenues. where member-farmers have signed up For example, Club Francine promotes for speci昀椀c supply agreements. I work environmentally friendly practices that with a team of three people whose role preserve biodiversity, encourage rational is to monitor that the speci昀椀cations have crop protection and optimise fertiliser been met, through on-site or paper audits, management, while also providing Grands to ensure that the traceability data is Moulins de Paris with the means to meet reliable and that the grain complies with its consumers’ expectations. all the criteria we agreed on. With backup from our sales and agronomy teams, we That’s the advantage of the Group’s help the farms to improve their processes. vertical integration... I also collaborate closely with experts within the Cooperative (especially with Anne-Vanessa – Yes, this integration is a our agronomists), and with the teams real boon! We’ve been getting to know at our processing businesses and their each other better over the last two customers, to jointly devise ambitious years, under the impetus of this stronger yet realistic speci昀椀cations. It’s a real team collaborative dynamic within the Group. effort... and a genuine source of pride for We share the same values and the same us all! strategic vision over the medium and 27

Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 - Page 29 Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 Page 28 Page 30