FOSTERING CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES 2030 TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT OUR CLIMATE ➜ Benchmark year: 2020-2021. STRATEGY, SCAN THE QR CODE % -29 of global emissions in absolute terms (scopes 1, 2 and 3) including -42% on our direct COMMITMENT emissions (scopes 1 and 2) Adaptation: a first study at the level of the VIVESCIA cooperative In autumn 2022, the Group decided to learn The 昀椀rst climate forecast work was initiated in more about the subject by launching a massive autumn of 2022 by the agronomy team. study with an expert, AXA Climate*, to estimate the impact of climate change on agriculture by 2030, based on the scenarios of the IPCC. The study aims to understand and measure 20 different soil types the impact of changes to three crucial factors (temperatures, rainfall, and sunlight) on 15 different crops. 17 crops analysed It has four main phases: 1 Analysis of the past and future climates and identi昀椀cation of risks that each crop is exposed to. Evaluation of the risks and opportunities for 2 each crop/region and the prioritisation of the most at-risks crops/regions. For each crop, measurements of indicators 3 of vulnerability with a risk score (intensity x frequency) and impact on yield. Determination of adaptation measures: 4 Changing crops (abandon the most at-risk crops and adoption of new crops, etc.) and farming systems * AXA Climate is an entity of AXA group devoted to climate change and environmental adaptation. It advises companies in the food industry, manufacturing, 昀椀nance and public administration to help them successfully adapt to climate change and have a positive impact on the planet. 41

Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 - Page 43 Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 Page 42 Page 44