As VIVESCIA has grown and diversified its businesses, the Group has always sought to improve its governance. Specialised committees, including the CSR and ethics committees created in 2022, were formed, external qualified experts have been brought in, and the administrators’ charter has been a key development. As a sign of the collective desire to improve our governance, the Group has made two commitments to evaluate our practices and training for administrators as part of its sustainable development policy, LINK. Under the supervision of Christoph Büren, VIVESCIA Group’s President, VIVESCIA Industries’ Managing Director, Olivier Miaux; and the Director of the VIVESCIA Cooperative and its agricultural subsidiaries, Véronique Fontaine-Heim, oversee the Group’s 昀椀nancial performance. VIVESCIA cooperative Group has two main management bodies: ➜ The Board of Administrators, made up of 23 administrators – all farmers – who represent VIVESCIA cooperative’s members. It sets the Group’s objectives and strategy and monitors their realisation. ➜ The Executive Committee, made up of 11 directors, which is responsible for the Group’s overall performance and 昀椀nancial results. It works closely with the Board of Administrators and implements a strategy designed to achieve the objectives set by the board. TO FIND OUT MORE AND THE SEE THE MEMBERS OF THE GOVERNANCE TEAM, GO TO 10

Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 - Page 12 Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 Page 11 Page 13