GOING DEEPER Regulatory issues Greenhouse gas emissions from transport • The implementation of strict quality speci昀椀cations to The transport part of scopes 1-2-3 is based on data from ensure that grain performs optimally during processing stages, in particular for maize at Kalizea. 2020-2021 representing 406 kTCO2e, most of which • Working on our product formulations to make the most comes from road transportation, then rivers and canals, and ef昀椀cient use of raw materials, in accordance with custom- 昀椀nally by rail transportation. er requirements, in particular at Nealia. Animal welfare • Délifrance’s warehouses have established a partnership with Banque Alimentaire (French food banks). When Our businesses are not directly exposed to the issue of products’ ship-by dates have passed but their use-by dates animal welfare. However, Délifrance purchases 100% cage- are still several weeks away, Délifrance distributes them to free eggs (Europe and UK). And 100% of Grands Moulins de charities. Through these actions, Délifrance demonstrates Paris’s baking mixes that contain eggs are made using free that it is acutely aware of the food waste issue. range eggs from chickens since July 2021; 83% of frozen products containing eggs are made with cage-free eggs Promo琀椀on of physical ac琀椀vity and sport since June 2023. Our business activities are not directly exposed to the issue The 昀椀ght against food waste of the promotion of physical activities and sport within the company. For VIVESCIA Group, the main action we take to combat food waste is to minimise waste during storage and pro- Collec琀椀ve bargaining agreements cessing. Here are some examples of the best practices our The HR directors of each group entity meet on a monthly Group has developed: basis to discuss their roadmaps and to harmonise HR pol- • Improving production ef昀椀ciency, which is a continuous icies wherever they can. This sharing of best practices is a process. virtuous circle that promotes such practices and improves • GMP recycles downgraded products internally (so long the operational ef昀椀ciency of HR. Moreover, many collective as this does not affect product quality) and manages the agreements have been put in place regarding remote work, quantities of gluten incorporated according to 昀氀our pro- quality of life at work and the provisional management of tein content. jobs and skills with union representatives over the last few • The selection of barley varieties with optimum germina- months. tion rates by Malteurop. STAKEHOLDERS MANY VENUES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISCUSSION THROUGHOUT THE YEAR TO IMPROVE THINGS TOGETHER The nature and diversity of our businesses means we maintain constant dialogue with various internal and external stakeholders, and we have stepped up this dialogue since 2018. The highlights include: The Châlons-en-Champagne agricultural trade fair, which is an opportunity to meet farmers, players from the grain industry, and the general public, as well as regional and national elected officials; the grain route and barley route, with our customers; our AGM and local general meetings. • Coopera琀椀ve farmers • Food processing customers • Schools and universi琀椀es • Employees • Consumers • Start-ups • Governance bodies • Professional farming organisa琀椀ons • Media • Employee representa琀椀ves • Banks and 昀椀nancial ins琀椀tu琀椀ons • VIVESCIA Industries shareholders • Local and na琀椀onal associa琀椀ons • VIVESCIA Industries individual • Public authori琀椀es and local and shareholders na琀椀onal elected o昀케cials 83
Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 Page 84 Page 86