WHAT CONNECTS US ROUND TABLE 2: PUBLIC POLICIES AND THE ROLE OF COOPERATIVES IN SUPPORTING CHANGES TO AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS MODELS. With François PURSEIGLE, sociologist at Agro Toulouse INPENSAT and author of Une agriculture sans agriculteurs (“Agriculture Without Farmers”); Geneviève N’Guyen, agro- economist at Agro Toulouse INP-ENSAT; Frédéric Descrozaille, deputy of Val-de-Marne; Éric Girardin, deputy of Marne; Christoph Büren, President of VIVESCIA; Éric THIROUIN, President of the AGPB; Olivier CHAILLOU, President of Terrena; Christophe CONGUES, President of Euralis; Pierre-Yves SIMONIN, President of CAL (Coopérative Agricole Lorraine). . There’s currently a single public policy A new paradigm for a new And as a Cooperative, it’s also incumbent that covers a wide range generation on us to be commercially successful and competitive, so we can offer all our of entrepreneurial Often highly quali昀椀ed, the new generation member-farmers a variety of services strategies. of farmers are leaving it later and later and support tailored to their professional needs. We help them navigate the to start their own business, 昀椀rst gaining experience in sectors outside agriculture, transitions they have to make and ensure FRANÇOIS and not necessarily intending to work their businesses continue to create PURSEIGLE in farming for the rest of their lives. The value. That means they can improve profession must offer farmers an income their farming methods, which bene昀椀ts everyone. that re昀氀ects their investment. Everyone has their own unique vision of what they want to do, and they all expect better Not enough is done support at every stage of the development of their business. When they’re setting to help the public it up, naturally, but also developing it, understand the work and eventually passing on their 昀椀nancial assets (which won’t necessarily take we do, how farming is the form of real estate). This means organised, and what that everyone in this industry will need it’s like to be a farmer to ramp up their skills, so they have a good grasp of every aspect of farming these days... as a business, including the real estate, commercial and industrial/processing Founded in 2021, the GERMEA aspects. These profound changes within CLÉMENT REGNAULT (Groupe d’études et de recherches the sector also call for a major review of member-farmer sur les mutations de l’entreprise current legislation covering areas such as tax, employment, and commercial agricole) teaching and research law, so that the regulations re昀氀ect the chair is dedicated to new forms of reality on the ground. Farmers would be helped by better tax harmonisation, land economic and social organisation of conveyancing, a one-stop shop for setting agricultural production. With support up and selling their businesses – and these are things that the government will SCAN THE QR CODE TO SEE VIDEO OF 4 from federal university Toulouse have to explore going forward. Another SEPTEMBERAND THE 2 ROUND TABLES Midi-Pyrénées, it is coordinated by challenge is learning to communicate more effectively about what farmers Toulouse INP-ENSAT and sponsored are already doing in response to the by three cooperatives: VIVESCIA, many directives in areas such as food sovereignty, biodiversity preservation, EURALIS, and TERRENA. and carbon footprint reduction. 22

Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 - Page 24 Integrated Report VIVESCIA Group | July 2022 - June 2023 Page 23 Page 25