Regional Building on Principles of ‘23 Ending the HIV Epidemic Champions ‘24 Ending the HIV Epidemic in the United States (EHE) scales up foEnding the HIV Epidemic in the United States (EHE) scales up four science-based strategiesur science-based strategies that can end the HIV epidemic. The four strategies, called “pilthat can end the HIV epidemic. The four strategies, called “pillars,” are Diagnose, Treat,lars,” are Diagnose, Treat, Prevent, and Respond. The eight Regional AETC organizations prPrevent, and Respond. The eight Regional AETC organizations provide targeted training,ovide targeted training, technical assistance, and capacity building support totechnical assistance, and capacity building support to assist clinics acro assist clinics across the Unitedss the United States with implementing the four EHE strategies and as a resulStates with implementing the four EHE strategies and as a result have helped these clinicst have helped these clinics make notable progress wmake notable progress with their efforts to diagnose, treat, prevent, and respond to Hith their efforts to diagnose, treat, prevent, and respond to HIV.IV. These clinics are Health Resources and SerThese clinics are Health Resources and Services Administration’s Federally Qualified vices Administration’s Federally Qualified CoCommunity Health Centers and Ryan White HIVmmunity Health Centers and Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) funded Part A and /AIDS Program (RWHAP) funded Part A and Part BPart B clinics that the regional AETCs collaborate w clinics that the regional AETCs collaborate with to integrate HIV status-neutral care ith to integrate HIV status-neutral care in a continuous, patient-centered a continuous, patient-centered process. To highlight the progress made in 2023 – 2024To highlight the progress made in 2023 – 2024, each AETC region designated a "Regional, each AETC region designated a "Regional Champion"Champion" clinic that they have w clinic that they have worked closely worked closely with to successfully implement the EHE ith to successfully implement the EHE strategies that resulted in the clinic’s expanded capacity to pstrategies that resulted in the clinic’s expanded capacity to provide HIV treatment and rovide HIV treatment and This brochure w This brochure was developed to spotlight the innovative partnerships and efforas developed to spotlight the innovative partnerships and efforts ots of f the AETCs and these “Regional Champiothe AETCs and these “Regional Champion” clinics. n” clinics. We wWe want to thank the regioant to thank the regional AETC teams and their partnering clinical care teams in makinal AETC teams and their partnering clinical care teams in makingng great strides, one clinic at a time, in their wgreat strides, one clinic at a time, in their work to integrate HIV care into primarork to integrate HIV care into primary care.y care.