a MidAtlantic (MAAETC) MidAtlantic Spectrum Health Services, Inc. Philadelphia, PA Outstanding Attributes & Contributions: • Myra Rutland, DNP, FNP-BC article, “Implementing Status Neutral Care in Primary Care Settings” in the Spring 2023 issue of HIV Specialist Magazine • Dr. Rutland, Spectrum Health Center Director of Infectious Disease and Community Outreach, “The MAATEC program has been extremely helpful in being another voice collaborating in what I believe is the job of primary care to be the foot soldiers in ending the HIV epidemic. More of our primary care providers have become eager participants in prescribing PrEP.” • Health Center colleagues meet the 4th Friday of each month to discuss PrEP cases. Having the regular updates and education from MAAETC allows the team to stay informed about clinical updates Identified Need: • Clinical care team education and support on status neutral care • HIV testing and PrEP implementation Implementation: • HIV status neutral care • Rapid HIV testing for everyone 13 years and older at least annually • PrEP initiation and maintenance • Monthly case conferences among clinical case team members to discuss PrEP client care 4